Our studio specializes in the simple or complex search for baptism, birth and marriage certificates in Italy and Brazil, which will form the file on the basis of the Italian citizenship application. The study analyzes the 4 lines of ancestry, reconstructing the family tree that is valid even for those who are unaware of their own family history. We can communicate in English, Spanish and Portuguese, which is essential for communicating with customers. In particular, documents relating to Italian ancestry born in Italy are:
Original birth certificate (Birth Extract) of the Italian ancestor, born in Italy and who gave rise to citizenship, complete with parents' details. This document must be requested from the Italian municipality of the ancestor's birth. If population records were not yet in force at the date of the ancestor's birth, the original Baptism Certificate issued by the Parish must be presented, with recognition of the parish priest's signature by the competent Episcopal Curia.
Marriage certificates with Italian ascendant: original Brazilian documents, in full format, with Apostille.
If the marriage was celebrated in Italy, it is necessary to present the original marriage certificate, issued by the competent municipality.
If the Italian descendant has been married several times, it is necessary to present the certificates of all marriages, the death certificate(s) of the previous spouse(s) (or divorce) and the last marriage certificate.
If the marriage took place in third countries, the respective certificates issued by the competent authorities (legalized or apostilled) will be required.
As for the Brazilian civil registration certificates to be paid for by the applicant (birth, marriage and divorce), they must be in the original and in complete format, with the Apostille, sent online by the client himself. Our team has a specialized and competent sworn translator who will translate into Italian and validate the documents themselves before the competent Court.